Mario Badescu Reviews | Skin Care Product Reviews

Mario Badescu Reviews

Mario Badescu Skin Care Review

Does Mario Badescu Skin Care Products Work?

Looking for Mario Badescu Reviews?

Mario Badescu Skincare has been in the market for over 40 years and has made it mark for its personalized skin care and acne treatment.

Mario Badescu Skin Care offers spa and skin care services to everyone who needs it; of course, there are a large number of celebrities who rave about Mario Badescu Skin Care.

The skin care range treats rosacea, adult and teen acne as well as aging skin. The range includes cleansers, astringents, moisturizers, exfoliants and eye creams.

The acne treatment is extremely popular and you can get a detailed step by step guide on how to get rid of acne.

There are varying regimens in the Mario Badescu Skin Care range for oily, combination and dry skins.

Popular Badescu Skin Care Products

The most sought after Mario Badescu Skin Care products are the ones for acne treatment, aging, couperose skin, eczema, rosacea and men’s skin care.

The popular Mario Badescu Skin Care products for Acne treatment are the Acne Control Kit, the Acne Repair Kit, Anti-Acne Serum, Healing Cream, Healing & Soothing Cream, Silver Powder and Special Healing Powder.

More about Mario Badescu Reviews – How it works and what are customers opinions of the product.

How Mario Badescu SkinCare Works

Using Cleansers, toners, spot treatments and masks, these formulated products prevent and heal existing breakouts without being harsh on any type of skin.

The Acne Control kit has Facial Cleansers, Cucumber Lotion and Drying Masks, Creams and Lotions. Used daily, these keep your skin clean, clear and checks acne eruptions. The Drying Masks has an oil-absorbing, pore-tightening effect. ($77).

The Acne Repair Kit contains Drying Lotion and Cream and Buffering Lotion. Drying Lotion clears up whiteheads overnight while the Drying Cream hides skin blemishes as they heal and Buffering Lotion fights larger areas of deep eruptions and prevents new acne. ($46)

Anti-Acne Serum is a non-irritant Salicylic gel, a thin layer of which when applied over acne prone areas, keeps it smooth and free of acne eruptions. ($20)

Healing & Soothing Mask is to be used with the Drying Mask. It contains a naturally soothing anti-inflammatory agent that prevents irritation and redness of the acne affected area. ($20)

Healing Cream is sulfur based cream that prevents acne scars and quickens the healing process. ($17)

Silver Powder is an oil absorbent powder that helps to unclog congested pores while preventing blackheads. ($12)

Special Healing Powder helps to control surface oil, disinfect and soothe acne prone areas and quickly dries up open, infected pimples. ($12)

For The Official Badescu Skin Care Website at Amazon

Mario Badescu Reviews: Real Consumer Feedback

Consumers have a lot of say about Mario Badescu Skin Care.

“I am 30 and I get the occasional breakout from stress and hormones. This stuff smells funny, like old-school Clearasil, but it really does work overnight. It took away the redness and shrunk the pimples I had. I will never go back to using anything else”Susan from Edison, New Jersey,

“I’m not really sure what all the hype is about with this product, but I’m happy that it turned me on to the brand. The Mario Badescu buffering lotion, drying cream, acne cleanser, and special c clearing lotion were very effective. I also like that the formulas are simple without a lot of extra added chemicals. Although this particular product didn’t work for me, a bunch of his other products have. This is a great brand!”A. Smith from New Jersey,

“Been a fan of Mario Badescu for a few years now. Find that his lotions are great for sensitive, acne prone skin like mine.

Always been to dermatologists, wore little face make-up and regularly applied expensive topical creams impatiently awaiting results. When someone recommended his drying lotion, I was skeptical. NEVER has anything, not requiring a prescription, worked for me in the past.

I bought it at a trade show and was instantly hooked! There’s no need to apply it all over the face, just the inflamed area.

If you apply to fresh acne (I do not recommend applying when it’s already in the drying process, you’ll risk flaking) your blemish will be gone in just a couple days. Improving at least 50% in just the first day alone! I’m just ordering my 3rd bottle now. Oh and DO NOT SHAKE!”- Betty Bowman,

Where to Buy Badescu Skin Care

It is very convenient to shop online for your Mario Badescu Skin Care products. The best place to buy Mario Bedescu produts is from the official Mario Badescu Skin Care website at Your order will be processed within 24 hours and shipped via UPS. The prices for each product are on the website, so select the Mario Badescu Skin Care product which suits your skin type and add to your shopping cart.

Click Here For The Official Mario Badescu SkinCare Website at Amazon
Mario Badescu Skin Care

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