Be sure to read the entire review because we will tell you what most Microderm MD reviews won’t because they are written by people trying to make a few dollars off your ignorance.
Click Here For the Official Microderm MD Website – 50% Sale NOW At Trophy Skin
Microdermabrasion Before and After Photos
Click Here For the Official Microderm MD Website
This FDA approved device is a painless, chemical-free way to perform skin peeling without going to a dermatology clinic.
Microderm MD effectively treats the following skin concerns at home:

- Age spots, liver spots, or discoloration
- Sun damage or blemishes
- Uneven skin texture
- Skin tone that is blotchy or uneven
- Acne scars that have texture or color
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Some active acne such as blackheads
- Enlarged pores or pores that are clogged
Does Microderm MD Really Work?
Microderm MD, an innovative at-home cosmetic treatment for your skin, is a product by Trophy Skin that gives you top of the line skin care. It offers five levels of microdermabrasion or mechanical exfoliation that helps you get that rejuvenated and youthful look.
Microdermabrasion is a technique in cosmetology that uses light abrasion to help remove the dead cells from the epidermis or the outer layer of the skin with the help of a mechanical device. The dead cells are sucked out, increasing blood supply to the epidermis, which in turn promotes the growth of healthy new cells and giving the skin a young and glowing look.
A Microderm MD treatment prevents your skin from age spots, reduces enlarged pores and acne scars, protects from sun damage and considerably reduces wrinkles and fine lines, keeping the skin texture even. It is a chemical free and FDA approved product that is also painless to use.
All it takes is 5 – 10 minutes of this treatment, a few times a week, to build up the collagen and elastic that would rejuvenate your skin.
Click Here For the Official Microderm MD Website
Microderm MD Specifications
Microderm MD is totally crystal-free and absolutely non-messy. It is a self-administered kit that comes with soothing skin tonic, wipes, a 100-pack wool filter, and a diamond tip-cleaning brush.
The kit includes the following:
- Professional grade natural diamond-tipped exfoliating wand, for accurate skin-peeling.
- Peeling Tip Vacuum to cleanly collect dead skin particles during the treatment.
- Medical grade suction motor with 5 user-selectable controls.
- Built-in mirror.
- Stylish hard plastic shell design that can be proudly flaunted.
- An informative instruction manual.
How Microderm MD Works
Before you start using Microderm MD, get the equipment ready.
Insert a new filter into the vacuum hose, sterilize the Diamond Peeling Tip and attach it to the hose.
Next wash your face well with soap and water.
Pressing the power button, select the right intensity level from the 5 user controls.
Now press the Start Button and the Status Bar will show the power level that has been selected also indicating that vacuum is on.
Hold the Diamond Peeling Tip like you would hold a pencil and slowly and carefully drag it across your face with short strokes.
Use the soothing skin tonic wipes to wipe the face and moisturize the skin and apply sun block for a few days post the treatment.
Discard filter after use. Clean the Diamond Peeling tip with the brush using soap and water.
You may repeat the treatment every 10-14 days depending on the need and the status of the skin.
Click Here For the Official Microderm MD Website
Microderm MD: Real Consumer Feedback
“ I normally spend at least $60 each time I go to the spa for my microderm, and I honestly can’t tell much of a difference between the home treatment with the MicrodermMD and what I was doing at the spa. The product even looks pretty much the same as the one they use at the spa, just a little bit smaller.” Seeham on
“Even though it is small, I use it every other day. It’s amazing to see what kind of dead skin this little thing peels off! Saving money yet still having a quality microderm peel is like my little secret. I didn’t even want to post a review because I wanted to keep it secret! But, to give credit where it is due, I give it 5 stars, hands down.” Michelle on
“This machine is wonderful. Finally someone put a product out which actually does what they say it will do. It really works!” Alewis on
Where to Buy Microderm MD – 50% OFF NOW
The best way to buy Microderm MD is from the company’s official website at Buy the product for the full price of $149.95 with free shipping and handling. You may also opt for payments in 5 installments in which case you pay $29.99 plus a one-time $19.95 for shipping and handling. The initial payment of $69.94 will be charged to your credit card to be followed by 4 monthly payments of $49.99.
You also have the option of a 30-day trial on payment of $14.95 plus $19.95 for shipping and handling. You trial period starts from the day you receive the product. After 30 days you may either pay $235, the remainder of the full price or just return the product at no extra charge other than the shipping and handling charge.
MicrodermMD is a revolutionary at-home skincare device that offers professional microdermabrasion with five levels of exfoliation. Get smoother, younger looking skin with 5 to 10 minute treatments a few times a week. 30-Day Trial only $14.95 plus $19.95 S&H.
Click Here For the Official Microderm MD Website
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